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What is the Saturation Center? 


The saturation center is an intensive learning center for world changers.  Jesus's great commission was to go and make disciples, and that is what we do here.

  • If you want to deeply explore and understand God's purpose in your life...

  • If you want to fully experience the power of our Lord and understand what it is like to walk in his authority...

  • If you are looking to be saturated in the word, and have your life transformed through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...

...then the Saturation Center might just be for you.

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Saturation Center


Learning Objectives


When a student graduates from The Saturation Center they will have:

  • A commitment in reading, studying, understanding, and communicating the bible;

  • A written P.C.S. (personal calling statement) which is a statement describing who they are, what they value, their life’s direction for the next three to five years, and how they will accomplish this direction;

  • A life-style of learning and relationship-building developed within their core being;

  • A real understanding of how to manage resources, monies, time, and

  • A working knowledge of what is and is not sound doctrine and theology;

  • A creative ability to written communication, reading, critical thinking, problem solving, and research skills;

  • A commitment to being Eternity minded people by living intentionally;

  • A clear understanding of the functions and the mandates of the five-fold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor) and how to be an Engagelist.

  • A real-time experience in mentoring, resourcing, speaking, praying, and operating in all the gifts of the Spirit;

  • A clear understanding and appreciation for the diversity of people and their culture around the world;

  • A written document describing each students philosophy of ministry;

  • A clear understanding about religions of today;


The Curriculum


  • We will help people discover their life’s purpose, their core values, their visions and goals  through the "Why am I Here" class.

  • We will help them develop a successful way of living, as seen from God’s perspective, through the "Roadmap To Success" class.

  • We will help them differentiate between Doctrine and Indoctrination through a class called "Silent Indoctrinations".

  • We will teach about being an Engagelist in our everyday lives, which includes learning about the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors, etc. through the "ENGAGELISM"  class.

  • We will provide a hands-on opportunity for people to exercise their newly learned knowledge in a fail-proof environment through The "Experiential" class.

  • Students will also get lots of opportunities to practice their personal ministry through conferences, retreats, baptisms, and other special events that take place throughout the year.

Our Commitment:

  • We commit to the process of teaching, to increase people’s knowledge of God and the Bible

  • We commit to promoting lifelong relationship-building with intentional living

  • We commit to releasing people into the purpose and vision for which God has created them

  • We commit to saturating and equipping students to be successful in their personal and public life

  • We commit to providing confirmation of successful learning through licensing and certification

  • We commit to saturating our world with the tangible presence of God through intelligence instead of ignorance

  • We commit to inserting fun into the learning process

  • We commit to eternity-focused teaching and living

© 2016 by Transformational Life Center. 

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